Research Communication Consultant, Award-winning Author

Dennis Meredith offers expertise gained from decades working with major media and scientists at leading research universities.

Neurons Firing

About Dennis Meredith

Dennis Meredith’s career as a science communicator has included service at some of the country’s leading research universities, including MIT, Caltech, Cornell, Duke, and the Universities of Rhode Island and Wisconsin. He has worked with science journalists at all the nation’s major newspapers, magazines, and radio and TV networks and has written well over a thousand news releases and magazine articles on science and engineering over his career.

Dennis Meredith

What Dennis Does

Research Communication Consulting

Enhance your research communications with custom-tailored webinars, talks, and workshops, release editing, slide critiquing, and presentation coaching.

News Releases

Preparation of research news releases on a wide range of topics including molecular biology and biomedicine.

Author, Explaining Research: How to Reach Key Audiences to Advance Your Work

The most comprehensive guide to research communication for scientists, engineers, and other professionals.

Author, award-winning science thrillers

Visionary adventures in science fiction that extrapolate real-world science into compelling stories that speculate on their ultimate implications.

You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.

-Albert Einstein


Explore Dennis' Books

Mythicals Book Cover
Explaining Research: How to Reach Key Audiences to Advance Your Work
The Neuromorphs

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